How to set up a business in France?

The administrative formalities for starting a business have been considerably simplified and the procedure is now entirely paperless.

Your choice of how you set up business will depend on the goal for your structure and the degree of autonomy you wish to give the new entity with respect to the parent company.

To create your company, visit:

The average timeframe for business creation via this process is a few days. However, you will have to plan early for certain steps in order to make setting up in France as easy as possible: opening a bank account, company domiciliation and drafting the company’s articles of association.

View our guide to setting up your business, written in collaboration with Mazars.

Business creation or takeover?

Foreign investment in France is, in principle, free of any administrative supervision.
However, taking over a business or buying a company may be subject to authorization in certain sensitive sectors. You will need to check the regulations in effect before proceeding.



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